"The power in people is stronger than the people in power" (Saji Ijiyemi). Abraham Lincoln in his submission, after much study and dealings with people asserted that democracy is the best form of government. This assertion was reflected in his definition of the concept of democracy as "the government of the people, by the people and for the people".
Any leader that undermine his people, it's just a matter of time he will soon meet his waterloo, even a dictator is not an exceptional. Chief MKO Abiola of blessed memory said "you cannot shave my head in my absence".
A leader cannot keep ignoring all dissenting voices and choose to be active where his personal interest is concerned. Selective response to national issues especially in a cosmopolitan society like ours breed suspicion and lost of credibility on the part of the leaders. Emotional Intelligence is an integral part of governance, beyond constitution, as it binds the government and the governed together in unspeakable relationships.
Oxford dictionary defines Emotional Intelligence as "the capacity to be aware of, control and express one's emotion and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically". Absence of emotional intelligence in government will definitely heat up the polity and cause disaffection no matter the achievement and disposition of the leader.
Obviously, when considering Nigeria, in view of the unfolding debacle that has bedeviled us as a nation, emotional intelligence seems lacking and there is no connection between the leaders and the populace .
The earlier we realize this, the better for all of us. The collapse of USSR seems impossible at the initial stage but at the end, it became a reality. A grandstanding government will throw every visible indicators to the dust bin, neglecting the plight of the people. Recall that there were outcry in Nigeria against the heinous activities of SARS, while people in authority seems not concerned.
There is no way a country will not be policed but when the approach of policing becomes unfounded there is no crime in reviewing it. While the lackadaisical attitude of government persists, the monster within got matured and let loosed, it became uncontrolled and possibly hijacked by hostile organizations with sinister motive and embarrassed the government of the day even among the comity of nations. The ripple effects of that singular breakdown of law and order under the guise of ENDSARS cannot be quantified.
People lost their lives, property and livelihood. Most devastating was the humiliation suffered by the police authority, while several police stations were burnt, arms and ammunitions carted away. Despite this bad experience, it seems no lesson was learnt during the endsars upsurge even as more threatening agitations are brewing without a corresponding response from the government . Hence, it underscore the fact that another consequence of emotional intelligence neglect is in the offing.
There is growing agitation in virtually every departments of this Nation, more worrisome is the improper handling of judiciary system owing to the ongoing strike embarked upon by members of Judiciary Staff Union of Nigeria (JUSUN). The security architecture of the country is in disarray, resulting in the recorded case of attempted robbery in presidential villa.
The spate of kidnapping had assumed a worrisome dimension, farmers can not go to their farms without fear because of Fulani herdsmen invasion, causing wanton destruction of farmlands even as food insecurity is imminent. Unemployment is ever increasing while social injustice steers people in the face. The government seems to be overwhelmed and have exhausted all ideas while waiting for the worst.
The citizens of Nigeria seems to be awake from their slumber with retinue of demands, including Biafra and Oduduwa nations. The recent enforcement of sit at home order by IPOB sends a frightening signal. It is high time the government puts on her thinking cap and get to work before Nigeria becomes a once upon a time country like the USSR.
Independent national conference is necessary now than ever, decisive action against kidnappers and bandits should begin in earnest. The government must convince the people that they have good intentions and capacity to maintain law and order across the country.
The recent banning of Twitter seems reckless and unnecessary because a lot of youths and their dependants rely on this platform for survival. Despite the disaffectionate tendencies exhibited by Twitter, the ban is ill timed and should be reconsidered in the interest of peace and tranquillity.
For the latest Updates from Eons Intelligence, Follow us on twitter @eonsintelligenc and on Facebook, Eons Intelligence. You can also connect with us on our LinkedIn Page, Eons Intelligence
"The power in people is stronger than the people in power" (Saji Ijiyemi). Abraham Lincoln in his submission, after much study and dealings with people asserted that democracy is the best form of government.
This assertion was reflected in his definition of the concept of democracy as "the government of the people, by the people and for the people". Any leader that undermine his people, it's just a matter of time he will soon meet his waterloo, even a dictator is not an exceptional. Chief MKO Abiola of blessed memory said "you cannot shave my head in my absence".
A leader cannot keep ignoring all dissenting voices and choose to be active where his personal interest is concerned. Selective response to national issues especially in a cosmopolitan society like ours breed suspicion and lost of credibility on the part of the leaders. Emotional Intelligence is an integral part of governance, beyond constitution, as it binds the government and the governed together in unspeakable relationships.
Oxford dictionary defines Emotional Intelligence as "the capacity to be aware of, control and express one's emotion and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically". Absence of emotional intelligence in government will definitely heat up the polity and cause disaffection no matter the achievement and disposition of the leader.
Obviously, when considering Nigeria, in view of the unfolding debacle that has bedeviled us as a nation, emotional intelligence seems lacking and there is no connection between the leaders and the populace .
The earlier we realize this, the better for all of us. The collapse of USSR seems impossible at the initial stage but at the end, it became a reality. A grandstanding government will throw every visible indicators to the dust bin, neglecting the plight of the people. Recall that there were outcry in Nigeria against the heinous activities of SARS, while people in authority seems not concerned.
There is no way a country will not be policed but when the approach of policing becomes unfounded there is no crime in reviewing it. While the lackadaisical attitude of government persists, the monster within got matured and let loosed, it became uncontrolled and possibly hijacked by hostile organizations with sinister motive and embarrassed the government of the day even among the comity of nations. The ripple effects of that singular breakdown of law and order under the guise of ENDSARS cannot be quantified.
People lost their lives, property and livelihood. Most devastating was the humiliation suffered by the police authority, while several police stations were burnt, arms and ammunitions carted away. Despite this bad experience, it seems no lesson was learnt during the endsars upsurge even as more threatening agitations are brewing without a corresponding response from the government . Hence, it underscore the fact that another consequence of emotional intelligence neglect is in the offing.
There is growing agitation in virtually every departments of this Nation, more worrisome is the improper handling of judiciary system owing to the ongoing strike embarked upon by members of Judiciary Staff Union of Nigeria (JUSUN). The security architecture of the country is in disarray, resulting in the recorded case of attempted robbery in presidential villa.
The spate of kidnapping had assumed a worrisome dimension, farmers can not go to their farms without fear because of Fulani herdsmen invasion, causing wanton destruction of farmlands even as food insecurity is imminent. Unemployment is ever increasing while social injustice steers people in the face. The government seems to be overwhelmed and have exhausted all ideas while waiting for the worst.
The citizens of Nigeria seems to be awake from their slumber with retinue of demands, including Biafra and Oduduwa nations. The recent enforcement of sit at home order by IPOB sends a frightening signal. It is high time the government puts on her thinking cap and get to work before Nigeria becomes a once upon a time country like the USSR.
Independent national conference is necessary now than ever, decisive action against kidnappers and bandits should begin in earnest. The government must convince the people that they have good intentions and capacity to maintain law and order across the country.
The recent banning of Twitter seems reckless and unnecessary because a lot of youths and their dependents rely on this platform for survival. Despite the disaffection tendencies exhibited by Twitter, the ban is ill timed and should be reconsidered in the interest of peace and tranquility.
For the latest Updates from Eons Intelligence, Follow us on twitter @eonsintelligenc and on Facebook, Eons Intelligence. You can also connect with us on our LinkedIn Page, Eons Intelligence