The Nigeria Union of Teachers, (NUT) has treathened to embark on a strike action over the non-implimetatiom of the National Minimum Wage Act was signed into law in 2018.
The Union say it is left with no option but to direct its members nationwide to down tools, if the matter is not urgently and sufficiently addressed.
The Union’s National President, Dr. Nasir Idris, said this in his message to mark the 2021 World Teachers' Day. He said the COVID-19 pandemic had affected its embers negatively, stressing the need for teachers to be adequately empowered for effectiveness.
He noted that members of the Union are yet to recover from the protracted effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. He said the lockdown was a drain on the lean savings of members.
He stressed the need for teachers to be adequately empowered and motivated for the sake of optimal performance in the onerous task of building the mental and moral capacities of their pupils and students.
"The NUT observes with dismay that some State Governments are yet to implement the provisions of the National Minimum Wage Act for teachers since it was signed into law in 2018.
“We herewith call on the erring ones to implement the law without further delay. May we remind them that every worker is worthy of his/her wage, especially now that our take-home pay can hardly take us home.”
The National President called on members to remain steadfast and dedicated to their duties, despite the obvious challenges faced in the line of duty.
He urged the State branches to maintain a positive outlook and encourage members to stay focussed as the National body is monitory developments with keen eyes.
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