Two Nigerian women cry out for justice over alleged surgical and subtle racism meted out against them by a Belgium hospital which has led to life-altering deformities including an amputated cervix and paralysis.
The harrowing experience began in 2017 when Ajima Ogbole, a Nigerian was diagnosed with uterine fibroids. In search of the best health care, she underwent surgery to remove the fibroids at AZ Sint-Jan in Belgium.
Unfortunately, her cervix was reportedly removed which made it impossible for her to bear children, a dream she and her husband holds dear.
Fortunately, her sister-in-law, Susan Ogbole stepped in as a surrogate and gave birth to a healthy baby girl on October 15, 2020. However, what should have ended as a satisfying climax has spiraled into another tale of agony as less than 24 hours after the delivery of Imani, the baby girl, Susan, who acted as a surrogate became paralyzed from her waist downwards.
Confused, different specialists including The anesthesiologist, neurologist, and gynecologist performed various tests without coming up with a reason or solution to Susan’s paralysis. After four MRIs and a lumbar puncture, the hospital said it found an unknown bacteria.
The hospital tried to blame it on an African disease like meningitis, malaria, or bacteria.- All of which Susan has refuted as she was hale and hearty and all relevant tests were conducted on her before she had her baby.
In the video below, Susan narrates her experience in the delivery room saying she remembers before her cesarian operation, she said was wanted general anesthesia but was forced to take an epidural due to hospital policy.
While administering the epidural she felt an unusual pain at the left side of her back but was told to remain calm while the specialist tries to insert the pump.
Susan who has been partially paralyzed since October 16, 2020, wants to know how the bacteria got into her system. In her words:
How did the bacteria get into my system?
Was it as a result of the hospital staff not scrubbing me very well?
Or is it that the person who administered the epidural did not know her job?
Or the instrument they used was not properly sterilized. And up till now, nobody has given me an answer.
Susan has paralysis from her waist down. She can’t poo on her own, she wears a diaper. She can’t pee on her own she has to use a catheter to take the pee out.
Despite all the trauma, AZ Sint-Jan hospital has not issued any apology according to the video posted by Susan and Ajima’s December 2020 video.
Susan who is calling for justice says she found out that it was a resident that administered the epidural on her.
The turn of events has made Ajima calling for an investigation into her surgery as well. How can two families of the same race have two rare complications in the same hospital,” she asks.
Ajima wants to know if a resident also performed her surgery which led to the amputation of her cervix.
As though to rub salt to their injuries, the women say the hospital has refused to tender an apology or show empathy despite the gravity of their complications.
The Ogbole’s are demanding justice which must include an apology from the AZ Sint-Jan in Belgium, An acceptance of full responsibility for the fatal results of the treatments, and an overhaul of the Belgian health system to protect patients.
Below is a statement issued by Ajima Ogbole on her Instagram page:
It’s been a while. It’s been a roller coaster of events here. I
was overwhelmed with getting things ready to welcome our precious baby girl (Imani) home who was born on the 15th of October via surrogacy. She was 4.2kg at birth and is doing perfectly ok.
My sister-in-law on the other hand who was our surrogate isn’t. The next day which was Thursday the 16th of October, she couldn’t feel from her waist down to her feet and is currently still in the hospital. All was fine during and after birth on the 15th until the 16th in the morning when she sat down and wore her crocs while we discussed our plans when we get home. She later realized she couldn't feel her legs when she tried to stand. Before we knew it everything went bad.
The anesthesiologist, neurologist and gynecologist all came to check what the problem was and even took her for an MRI with nothing to show. She’s had 3 other MRI’s after that and there is absolutely nothing to show why this had occurred which is frustrating.
As I type this she is still in the hospital going through physiotherapy but her situation is still same. She can’t poop or pee on her own. We are heartbroken and feel helpless at this situation, I feel responsible. Is it’s a coincidence that this happened in the same hospital were my surgery went wrong reason why I can’t carry my own pregnancies? We are meant to be celebrating but this isn’t the case. How could this happen to someone with such a good heart who has given my husband and I the most beautiful gift we could ever ask for free of charge. I have questions like is there a God, why is this happening to us, why do bad things happen to good people, could I have done something wrong to make this happen?
Kindly put us all in your prayers. I hope my sister-in-law pulls through this soon because this the most difficult thing we have had to deal with.