A Correctional Services Officer (Prisons Service), simply identified as O.O Bawa, has allegedly been shot and killed by Nigerian Soldiers at a Military checkpoint at Goni Gora area of Kaduna.
Eye witnesses say the deceased was shot and consequently bled to death, after he reported refused to halt his vehicle for stop and search at an Army barricade along the Kaduna/Abuja Expressway.
An eye witness account of circumstances leading to his death had this to say; “He was coming with a friend from Abuja. The deceased was with a civilian who was driving the car which they were in, an unmarked Toyota Venza.
"The duo were said to have refused to stop for a search when they approached a barricade by the Soldiers on the Abuja/Kaduna Expressway. The Troops at the point were angry. So they informed another search group ahead and described the vehicle and its plate number vehicle for them.
“So while Bawa and his friend got to Goni Gora, the Officers without stopping them just opened fire on them. One of the bullets hit Bawa at the back of his head and he died immediately".
At the time of filing this report, it was yet to be established why the deceased, in mufti and driving an unmarked vehicle would refuse to stop at a Military stop and search in such a volatile environment.
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