I really don't envy Mr President at this trying times. His team is gradually exposing its deficits in character, competence, integrity and fidelity, leaving behind a disappointing feeling of a rudderless ship on the high sea.
Seventy percent (70%) of the Cabinet members have no business being in a 21st C. digital Nigerian cabinet.
For a country that is in a haste to catch up with the rest of the world, haven missed out on great opportunities due to serially failed leadership and lack of vision, we should have our best hands and brains on board.
All we see is a set of disorganized retinue of aides and ministers working at cross purposes and constituting opposition to one another at the detriment of the administration.
MAGU - Under investigation, connotes a big dent on the Anti-corruption drive because his office is expected to be above board.
MALAMI - A pro-corruption apologist and personified antithesis in the fight against corruption, is at the centre of all sorts of controversy with severe damage to his office as AGF.
AKPABIO - Engrossed in corruption and allegations of sexual scandals unbecoming of a Cabinet member.
COMM MINISTER - Disgracefully embroiled in a war with The Chairperson Diaspora community over office space. All of same Party serving the same President.
NDDC turned into a cesspool of corruption and controversy by a supposed interim management committee set up to carry out a forensic audit of the last Executive now bent on surpassing their corruption profile.
Presidential appointees writing damaging reports to The NASS discrediting the President's own nominee whose name has been forwarded for clearance. This is shameful and unacceptable.
Going through the list of ministers, you find spent forces and Pro-Corruption elements under an administration bent on fighting corruption? As an ardent supporter and admirer of the President, I am tempted to ask, what value can these gentlemen bring on the table in furtherance of the C-IN-C's intent at delivering on his social contract with the people.
I genuinely feel disturbed as a Concerned non-partisan ordinary Nigerian who celebrated the entry of this administration. We can not afford to see this President fail and just exit with no positive impressions on the minds of Nigerians.
Mr President, you rode on the Tripod of Security, Economy and Infrastructure to the Presidency.
Security, I make bold to say is still a serious challenge despite all efforts by your administration. I have written extensively on what I think should be done.
The economy too, though of no fault of yours, (but the buck stops on your table), remains in bad shape, with severe consequences for business and wellbeing of the citizenry.
Infrastructure has witnessed some bold attempts at flattening the curve, but given the depth of decay you met on ground, all efforts put in amounts to mere scratch.
So invariably, what would the scorecard look like on your departure? This is my greatest discomfort for someone that admires you and have loved you since my days as a Boy soldier in Military School and young officer.
Mr President, my solutions:
1. Rejig your cabinet.
70 % of your present cabinet members have no business in a 21st C. digital Nigerian cabinet.
2. Young Technocrats.
Scout for young, smart brains, technocrats with requisite exposure in governance and accountability protocol.
3. Disengage The Service Chiefs.
Disengage the Service Chiefs and pave the way for fresh hands, fresh thinking and Initiative to strategize over the Security quagmire we find ourselves in presently.
4. Revisit Deficits in the Military.
Revisit the Big Five deficits of The Military & Paramilitary Agencies viz: Funding, Manpower, Log/Equip, Training and Welfare.
5. Border Patrol Force.
Establish an Independent Special Forces Combat Borderline Patrol Force.
Avail it full accoutrements of a Command chain, Equipment and Manpower holding. I have written extensively on the modality and framework of this with an available discussion paper.
6. Nation-wide Arms Mop-up Exercise.
Conduct a nation-wide National Small Arms and Light Weapons mop-up Exercise with monetary incentives for every weapon submitted.
7. Manpower Deficit.
Establish additional 3 Training depots with an annual capacity of 5,000 recruits intake each, in the East, West and NE to compliment the one at Zaria.
8. Banditry Challenges.
Engage able-bodied 'reservists' from the pool of retirees on very attractive contract terms to beef up strength and perform Rare Area Protection tasks in vulnerable communities while the regular troops advance on.
Mr President, your concern now should be "How would posterity judge me ?" Have I left indelible footprints in the sand of history? Have I unified Nigeria beyond where I met her or further deepened her divide?
Sir, go out there mobilize every resource, human or material, from every nook and cranny, that can turn around the table for you, and let them give you results.
If you must, as a personal principle, restrict your team selection to the North, please do, but pick the best of hands and brains.
So far, 90% of your appointees from the North are pushovers and perfect examples of mediocrity and backwardness.
They give a false impression that this is the best the North can offer. Drop them now and make way for game-changers. Your cabinet is replete of them.
Mr President, your name and reputation are at stake. You have no other election ahead of you as a threat. So come out boldly and decisively to effect whatever changes you want in the best interest of this country.
Sir, we have very sound, young, well-read, exposed and polished northern chaps even in your party the APC, doing quite well in the private sector and Internationally who could come on board as technocrats and turn things around within the last few years you still have in Govt.
However, I will urge you to look beyond the North, because as President, your constituency is the entire country.
Mr President, I leave you with these few suggestions by way of advice. If it ever gets to you, do give some serious consideration to them.
I shall be visiting Daura after the handover in 2023 to have a personal feel of a man I have come to respect from childhood.
Thank you.