The ISIS in West Africa ISWAP factions are exploiting vulnerabilities in IDP camps and host communities to recruit young men to train as fighters - with ´juicy’ promises of higher pay based on simple task & rapid growth in jihadist ranks as ´respectable’ unit commanders.
Several young men are not hesitating to take these jihadist offers with zero comparable legitimate options on the table.
ISWAP Appoints Young/Inexperienced Commanders to Replace Depleted Force:
Sources revealed that the ISIS faction in West Africa ISWAP has recently appointed new inexperienced young Commanders after a series of coordinated intelligence led aerial offensives by the Nigerian Air Force and the Nigerian Army eliminated more than a dozen of top ranking unit commanders and fighters in ISWAP strongholds in Northern Nigeria and the fringes of Sabon Tumbu, Tudun Wulgo, Kirta and Kwalaram in the Lake Chad —in the past month of August 2020.
To re-enforce the recently diminished battlefield leadership and depleted fighters, and to encourage young men to join its ranks, ISWAP most powerful leadership approved 3 key appointment with sources hinting that more appointments may likely follow:
One Malam Abakar Dan- Buduma, replaces Abu Imrana ( not to be confused with Amir Abu Imrana the so called ‘3 star ISWAP General ‘ from Marte killed by Nigerian troops in June 2020) the insurgents Navy Commander.
Baba Isa, who was #ISWAP equivalent of a Chief Tax Collector - in charge of all entry and exit activities throughout the waterfront was replaced with one Mohammed Maina and Ali Abdullah, the liaison officer between unit commanders and Hausa by tribe was replaced by one Habu Mukhtadah also known as "Alhaji sak".
Hundreds of surviving and wounded ISWAP fighters have been forced by the leadership to relocate to a location given as Bakkassi around the fridges of #Cameroon where recent ambush attacks have been witnessed by Cameroon special forces — BIR — attacks which have specifically targeted IDP camps to steal food , medication and for recruitment of more frustrated and idle youths living in IDP camps.
Also — Extreme vigilance must be initiated as some ISWAP fighters have been spotted returning to ISWAP headquarters - a hidden location which doubles as a suspected armoury base at xxx, xxx xxx xxx all under Abadam #LGA. These hidden and protected camps are operated and controlled by powerful local as well as returning foreign ISIS Fighters (RFFs). According to sources two of the foreign terrorist described as light skinned were sighted at Kayowa in the morning On September 3, 2020.
The Nigerian military in coordination with regional Multinational forces should relentlessly launch intelligence led aerial offensives on known hideouts and carry out regular on the ground clearance patrol around xxx, xxx xxx, xxx. Also, the road given as #Baba #Maikanti road is extremely vulnerable to hard and soft civilian and military target and should be cleared.
The location given as xxx xxx is a strategic weak point and should be re-enforced to frustrate exit points for fleeing jihadist.
The end game for Boko Haram and ISWAP can only be realised from the back of winning local community support and confidence — But support and confidence can only be won and sustained through everyday human security guarantees based on daily experiences of trust overriding fear.
No single entity can achieve a permanent victory — it’s a multi- agency and multi -level approach of one for all - all for one. The federal government ; State authorities; all sister security agencies; Local government authorities; the media; Traditional rulers ; religious authorities; regional states ; local and international INGOs ; thé international community; vigilante groups; and the majority of a well meaning population each holds one part of the solution puzzle and must engage with each other. Victory will eventually ( it will take time) be achieved if each entity genuinely works towards one goal with others !!!
If you see something - Say something!!!
About The Author
David Otto is the Director for Stepped In – Step Out UK Ltd and a Counter Terrorism and Organised Crime Expert. He is a Certified Anti -Terrorism Specialist (CAS), a Certified Master Anti -Terrorism Specialist (CMAS) and a programme trainer with the Anti -Terrorism Accreditation Board (ATAB). Twitter @ottotgs Email: David.otto@steppedin-stepout.com