Federal Government Workers to stay at Home, and work from Home.
The Federal Government on Monday issues a stay at home order for federal civil servants at grade levels one to twelve as a precautionary measure against the rampant COVID-19 pandemic. A circular was released by the Federal Government which says:
"As you are no doubt aware, the Federal Government has taken a number of measures to manage the identified cases of COVID-19 and curtail it's spread. Government is concerned about the welfare and safety of all public servants are, therefore, strongly advised to follow the measures being put in place by Government to curtail the spread of the pandemic."
"As a further step to check the spread of COVID-19 , all non essential public servants at grade levels 12 and below are to stay and work from home with effect from Tuesday, 24th March, 2020 until further notice. Each Permanent Secretary/Chief Executive Officer of MDAs shall determine the essential staff within grade levels 12 and below who will continue to perform their duties in the office. it is important to stress that this is not a holiday, as any officer can be recalled; therefore, no officer should travel out of the station."
"All other categories of officers who will be at work, are strongly advised to limit the number of visitors they receive to the barest minimum. This is to reduce physical contact as possible."
The circular called on officers who recently visited countries with incidence of COVID-19, or have had contact with persons who recently returned from these countries, to self isolate at home for two weeks and inform their permanent secretaries.